Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why is it that with so many ways out there for people to help with to build this country into a better place we don't? Take Energy! All of us that own our own home could very easily and cheaply put up solar panels and in most cases put up a small wind tower, but yet we don't why? Because it would make our yard look poorly. If all we worry about is the way our yard looks to the Nabors yard then we will just keep destroying what we have in this world. Most people do not realize that in most cases for less than one month’s salary they could go out and get what they needed to build their own solar panels, and with today’s technology it is actually very easy. Today there are hundreds of manuals out there that give you step-by-step procedures on how to build your own solar power and even wind power plants.
Now this sound great you say, but what good is that it only stops me from sucking power from the power company’s. No! It most cases you can sell whatever power you are not using back to the power company’s and actually has them sending you a check every month. So then they can turn around and charge others for the power. So now you are helping save on the energy that is being sucked out of the manger power plants and actually putting power back into them to help save this country. The other pro to having your own (we will say mini power plant) is that if for some reason a power pole were to go down or even the power company itself were to have to shut the power down you would not be without power. Your power would be coming from your own mini power plant.
But now you say what happens if my mini power plant breaks. Then for the short time it is down you will then be pulling power from the power company again. But if you are keeping up with the normal maintenance on your mini power plant the chances of it breaking down are very slim. Yes you will have to keep up with the maintenance on your mini power plant just like you do your car and house, and like everything else you buy if you keep up with the maintenance (take care of it) it will take care of you. Ok now you say were can I find out more. There are a lot of sites out there that will exsplain in more depth of how easy it is to own your own mini power plant and how easy it is to build and operate. One such place is www.wind-n-solar-power.com another site to get more information at is www.wind-n-solar-power.blogspot.com

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